PG Corner- Case 2

Dr Anuj ParkashWritten by | HISTOPATHOLOGY, PG CORNER

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54-year-old male, with history of scleroderma on methotrexate, presented with right frontal scalp ulcerated lesion measuring 3 x 1 cm in size. Punch biopsy from lesion.


Fig.2a; H&E 2.5x

Fig.2b; H&E; 20x

Fig.2c; H&E; 20x

Images show ulcerated epidermis with a dermal tumor. The tumor has a lobulated appearance with pushing margins [Fig.2a]. The tumor cells are polygonal with bubbly or eosinophilic cytoplasm having oval vesicular nuclei exhibiting conspicuous nucleoli and brisk mitosis [Fig.2b]. Squamous metaplasia with keratin pearl formation is also seen [Fig.2c].


Final Impression: Sebaceous Carcinoma, Grade 1


  • Origin: Sebaceous glands of skin or ocular adnexa
  • Types: Periocular or Extraocular
  • Periocular tumors: more aggressive
  • May follow radiation therapy
  • Association with Muir Torre syndrome
  • Necrosis is related to poor prognosis
  • IHC:
    • Positive stains: CK, EMA, LeuM1, BEREP4, Androgen Receptor
    • Negative stains: CEA, s100
  • Differential diagnosis:
    • Basal cell carcinoma with sebaceous differentiation
    • Squamous cell carcinoma with hydropic changes

Contributed by: Dr. Anila Sharma

Compiled by: Dr. Ankur Kumar & Dr. Himanshi Diwan

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Last modified: 05/06/2021

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